Turkey Soup

The best thing about hosting a turkey dinner for friends or family is that you not only get to keep most, if not ALL of the left overs but you get to keep the turkey carcass (I know I hate saying that word as much as you do .. TRUST ME!) This carcass is perfect to use for Turkey Soup though! Mark likes to do what he calls “Make it Dirty” and add all the left over gravy into the soup pot too with everything else. So you can make this dish as clean or as dirty as you like!

Serving Size: 6 or more


  • Left over Turkey & full Turkey Carcass

  • Left Over Gravy

  • 4 Cups Chicken Broth

  • 1 Cup Corn

  • 3 Large Carrots, chopped

  • 1 Medium sized White Onion, chopped

  • 4 Celery Sticks

  • 4 Bay Leaves

  • 2 Cloves Garlic

  • Salt to taste

  • Pepper to taste


  • Add the full turkey carcass and the chicken broth to a large pot and boil over medium heat for 30-60 minutes. Let cool slightly as you will need to touch the carcass. Get 2 large bowls and a strainer. Remove the carcass from the pot and place in 1 of the bowls. Put the strainer over the other large bowl and dump the pot into the bowl slowly. Rinse the pot to make sure there are no bones left over then take the contents of the bowl and dump it back into the large pot.

  • Now is the tedious part. Pick through the carcass and the strainer remnants removing the meat off the bones and add the meat back to the pot.

  • You can also now add all of the vegetables, gravy, additional meat you want to add, bay leaves and spices to the pot and start to simmer. Once you have picked off as much meat from the turkey bones as possible place the lid (slightly lifted) onto the pot and simmer for 1-2 hours.

  • Remove the bay leaves before serving and voila!

  • If you are wanting to add a little more carbs to your soup - feel free to add some pasta noodles. you may also want to add some more chicken broth otherwise you are going to end up with Turkey Stew not Turkey soup (which isn’t a bad thing but that’s not what this recipe is for!).

BowlsJessica DeRaaf