Deb's Deviled Eggs

This recipe is my mother in-law’s recipe and I am happy she shared it with me! I made my own Deviled Eggs recipe for the Mr. for the first time and he liked them but they ‘weren’t as good’. So he had his mom share her recipe with me. It wasn’t much different then what I was doing but there were a few changes and I am not going to lie, they are better then my original recipe. Deb is an excellent cook and I am sure I will have more recipes from her to share along the way.

Serving Size: 4-6


  • 6 Eggs

  • 1/2 Cup Light Sour Cream

  • 1/3 Cup Mayo

  • 1/4 Celery Stick, finely chopped

  • 2 Tsp. Celery Salt (or to taste)

  • 2 Tsp. Onion Powder (or to taste)

  • 2 Tsp. Yellow Mustard


  • Put eggs in a pot and fill with luke warm water until eggs are fully covered. Cook on high. Allow pot to come to a boil. Boil for 7-8 minutes then remove pot from heat and run under cold water for a number of minutes to stop the cooking process. Set Eggs aside in a bowl of cold water for a minimum 10 minutes.

  • Once eggs are cooled, remove shell carefully and cut eggs in 1/2 length wise. Remove the hardened yolk and put in a large bowl then set the egg whites aside. Complete for all eggs.

  • Add all ingredients to the bowl (except Paprika) with the egg yolks and mix well. Ensuring to mash the hardened egg yolks well.

  • Spoon out egg yolk mix and fill the hole in the egg white halves, over filling them. Sprinkle paprika on top for added flavor and décor then serve.

Eggs Mixed.JPG
Eggs Final.JPG