Truffle Oil Popcorn

Salty treats are my favorite and I’m sucker for popcorn. If I want healthy popcorn I typically go for Boom Chick Pop - that stuff is amazing! However, if I am in a cheating mood and want some butter on my popcorn I also like to throw some Truffle Oil on there. Visit your local farmers market or oil shop and find some White Truffle Oil, it is reasonably priced and can be used for so many things. If you are feeling extra adventurous, grab some black truffle oil also!

Serving Size: 3


  • 3/4 Cup Popcorn Kernels

  • 4 Tbsp. Margarine

  • 2 Tsp. White Truffle Oil

  • Salt to taste


  • Air pop the popcorn kernels as desired. We have a glass microwaveable dish that we cook the kernels in, in sections.

  • While you are popping the popcorn heat a medium sized pan and add the margarine. Once the margarine has melted, add in the white truffle oil and mix together. Allow to simmer 2-3 minutes. Pour into a measuring cup and then drizzle over cooked popcorn. Sprinkle salt on top and voila!

SnacksJessica DeRaaf