Salmon Stuffed Mushroom Caps

Our obsession for Mushroom caps started a couple summers ago when we found Crab-stuffed mushrooms at Save On. They were delicious and only $1 each. We literally bought those mushrooms caps for almost every BBQ meal we cooked for that whole first summer, and then again for this last summer. It was the perfect addition to our dinners and we never felt guilty about it. Then one day we went to get them and they had none, then again the next time and the next time. We slowly realized that our dear Mushroom Caps may never be coming back! Instead of crying or drowning in our sorrows I decided we needed a solution …. and here it is! Our own take on stuffed mushroom caps, and they are pretty delicious.


  • 20-25 medium sized mushrooms

  • 1 Can of Flaked Salmon (or Crab Meat)

  • 4oz. of Light Cream Cheese

  • 1 Tbsp. Butter

  • 1 Tsp. Minced Garlic

  • 2 Tsp. Oregano

  • 1/2 Tsp. Salt

  • 1/2 Tsp. Ground Pepper

  • 1/4 Cup Parmesan Cheese

  • 1/4 Tsp. Hot Sauce (we use Franks Hot Sauce)

  • 1/2 Cup Bread Crumbs (we use Panko)


  • Pre-heat oven to 350F degrees. Rinse and dry mushrooms then remove stems and cut the ends off. Chop the stems into tiny pieces and saute with garlic in butter in a pan. Saute until stems are tender (approx. 10 minutes). Remove from heat and let cool slightly.

  • In a medium sized bowl, combine cream cheese, parmesan cheese, oregano, salt, pepper and hot sauce. Add in the flaked Salmon (be sure to drain excess water from canned Salmon prior to adding to bowl) then the cooked mushroom stems. Mix well.

  • Fill mushroom caps using a teaspoon with enough to create a small dome. Roll the tops of the mushroom caps in a bowl on bread crumbs and lightly coat. Place mushroom caps in pan and bake for 20 minutes, or until tops are golden brown.

  • CAUTION - Mushroom caps will be VERY hot.
