Shrimp & Dumpling Soup

We love ramen … like LOVE IT but we dont always have the patience so do a true ramen so this dish was the perfect simplified version that anyone can make.

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 30-45 minutes

Serving Size: 3-4 bowls


  • 1 Pack of Raw Shrimp, deveined & seasoned with S&P

  • 10 Dumplings, pan fried as per packaging

  • 2 Packs of Instant Noodles without the seasoning

  • 2-3 Shallots, finely chopped

  • 1 Cup Lemongrass, finely chopped

  • 3 Cloves of Garlic, minced

  • 4 Tbsp. Chili Garlic Paste

  • 2 Heaping Tbsp. of Beef Soup Paste

  • 2 Heaping Tbsp. of Sautee Sauce

  • 2 Soft Boiled Eggs with jelled yolks

  • 4 Cups Bok Choy

  • 1 Tsp. Lime Juice

  • 1 Pho Broth Cube

  • 1 Tbsp. Sugar

  • Olive Oil for cooking


  • In a large pan, heat oil and add in shallots. Saute slightly and add in the garlic, cook until fragrant, approx 1 minute.

  • Add in the chopped lemongrass and cook approx. 8-9 minutes. Add in the chili garlic paste mixture and combine well.

  • Lastly add in the sugar and lime juice, mix well, cook down further and set aside.

  • In a seprerate bowl, combine the eggs with the pho broth cube then add in the beef soup instant paste with the saute sauce and mix well. Set aside.

  • In a large pot add the chicken broth then add in the egg/beef soup/saute mixture. Add in a heaping Tbsp or two of the chili/lemongrass mixture and allow to simmer on medium/lo.

  • In a seperate pot of boiling water, add in the packs of instant noodles. Cook until soft. Drain and set aside.

  • Boil/cook the bok choy in a large pot of hot water. While the bok choy is cooking, cook up the dumplings and shrimp in seperate pans and cook the soft boiled eggs.

  • Once everything is cooked you can begin to plate it. Add the desired amount of noodles, bok choy and shrimp to a bowl. Pour over desired broth and then top with dumplings, soft boiled egg, sesame seeds, chili oil and green onion.