Holiday Party Mix

Everyone loves a good party mix and this mix in particular is my favorite. This recipe originally came from my grandpa and its been modified a few times and everyone in our family makes it slightly different but it is so great to get to share this recipe of his with people we love and care about.


  • 1 Box of Shreddies

  • 1/2 Box of Cherrios

  • 3/4 Bag Pretzels

  • 2 Cups Corn Chips

  • 2 Cups Original Bugles (or Nacho Cheese)

  • 1 Box Cheese Bits

  • 1 Cup Margarine, melted

  • 2-3 Tbsp. Seasoning Salt

  • 1-2 Tsp. Garlic Powder


  • Preheat oven to 250F degrees. In a large roasting pan combine all dry ingredients together (if using original bugles, add now. If using nacho cheese bugles, add these at the end).

  • Sprinkle part of the seasonings over top and drizzle 1/3-1/2 cups of the butter. Mix around and then add the reminign seasonings and butter.

  • Roast for 1 & 1/2 hours, mixing it up every 20 minutes. If you fee the need to add more seasoning and butter throughout, go for it BUT do not over add. It gets salty fast.

  • Once roasting is completed, if using nacho cheese bugles, add them in now and mix well. Good for 2 weeks, if they last that long ;)

Snacks, HolidaysJessica DeRaaf