Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus

The Mr. made a funny joke when I mentioned adding this recipe to our ‘12 Days of Christmas Recipes’ he said, who would have guesses adding meat to vegetables makes them better …. clearly you had to be there to get it and he is a meat-atarian but he is not wrong. Simply adding a little meat instantly improved asparagus!


  • 1 Bundle of Asparagus

  • 2 Packs of Smoked Prosciutto

  • 2 Tbsp. Margarine

  • Pepper to taste


  • Wash asparagus and cut off the ends. Wrap each piece of asparagus in 1 piece of meat, starting at the top and wrapping on an angle to spread the meat out over the entire piece of asparagus. Repeat until you run out of meat or asparagus.

  • Heat margarine in a large pan on medium heat. Add the asparagus and sprinkle with pepper. There is no need to add salt. The meat provides enough salt for the dish. Cover dish with lid and allow to cook for approximately 15-20 minutes.

  • Using tongs, flip the asparagus periodically so it cooks evenly. Ensure the asparagus is fully cooked and then serve!
