Easy Mango Slushie

A great Spring slushie treat to enjoy when the weather finally warms up (or do what we do and just dive right in and drink it right now in this -15 weather because at this point it feels like it isn’t going away anyways lol) and as the title says … EASY! 3 ingredients + ice is a win for a tropical drink!

Serving Size: 2 Drinks


  • 1 Cup cheap Pinot Grigio Wine (or Sauvignon Blanc)

  • 1/4 Can Mango White Claw Seltzer

  • 3-4 Squirts Pineapple Mango Water Enhancer

  • 1-2 Cups Ice


  • Combine all ingredients except the seltzer in a small blender or magic bullet and mix until slushie. Add in the seltzer after and stir with a straw before enjoying.
