Donair Quesadillas

We took our classic Donair recipe and simplified it even more. How can you go wrong with a quesadilla?

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 25-30 minutes

Serving Size: 2 Quesadillas


  • 2 Large Tortillas

  • 1/2lb. Ground Beef

  • 1 Cup Shredded Lettuce

  • 1/2 Cup Sweet Sauce from our Donair recipe

  • 1-2 Roma Tomatoes, chopped

  • 1/4 White Onion, sliced

  • Banana Peppers or Pickled Jalapenos if desired

  • 1/4 Cup Shredded White Cheese

  • 2-3 Tsp. JamDinners Donair Seasoning


  • Cook the ground beef over medium heat with the donair seasoning. Cook about 10-12 minutes or until the beef is fully cooked.

  • Lay out the tortillas on the counter and make a slit from the bottom of the tortilla to the center of each tortilla.

  • Now to begin to add toppings to the tortillas, ensure you evenly separate everything out into 4. You will dress the tortilla going clockwise starting on the bottom left. Start with the sweet sauce. Spread generously.

  • Then top left is the peppers, tomatoes and onions, top right is lettuce and some shredded cheese. Lastly scoop the ground meet in the bottom right.

  • Begin folding over each quarter starting with the sauce and working your way up until you get to the ground beef. Repeat for the second quesadilla.

  • Then in a pan over medium heat, gentle brown the outside, about 3-5 minutes per side and serve!