Red Apple Cinnamon Cakes

I meant really these are Cinnamon Apple Pancakes but when you look at them they are so thick and not even close to perfectly round which is what I look for with pancakes …. I did however use pancake mix so I guess you can call them pancakes if you want LOL. Anyways - these babies are super simple, delicious and the perfect weekend breakfast!

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Serving Size: 6-8 Cakes


  • 2 Cups Pancake Mix (the kind where you just add water)

  • 1 Cup of Water

  • 2 Gala Apples, chopped into small pieces

  • 2-3 Tsp. Evoolution Red Apple Dark Balsamic Vinegar

  • 1-2 Tsp. JamDinners Cinna Blend


  • Combine all ingredients together in a medium bowl. Mix well but you want it kind of thick so if you added too much water, simply add in a little more mix! Heat up a large pan over medium heat. Spray with cooking spray and scoop in generous heaping portions of mix.

  • Repeat for as many cakes you can fit in the pan. Cook until bottom reaches a delightful dark golden brown color (approx. 4-6 minutes). Flip and allow the same on the second side then remove.

  • Repeat until you are out of mix. Plate and serve with icing sugar or syrup!