Bruschetta Flatbread

I have mentioned we’ve been working on refining our pizza dough skills. Any dough recipe we have used previously is GOOD and I refuse to change them. They were exactly what we needed at the time and some are quicker then others which is helpful … some people need a FAST dough. We have transitioned to using this dough for our recipes moving forward though. This dough can cold ferment for 48-72 hours .. that is the sweet spot so you gotta make sure you plan time when you want to add pizza or flatbread to your meal planning. We kicked off our new dough recipe with this Bruschetta Flatbread for 2 reasons … the cold fermenting timed up perfectly with MEATLESS MONDAY and we didn’t want to add too many competing flavors of meats etc because we really wanted to focus on the dough ansd we NAILED IT. So buckle up … here we go!

Serving Size: 1 Large Pizza

Pizza Dough Ingredients

  • 250g Double (00) Zero Pizza Dough

  • 200ml Room Temperature Water

  • 7.5g Coarse Salt

  • 3g Yeast

Bruschetta Ingredients

  • 4-5 Roma Tomatoes

  • 1/2 White Onion, chopped

  • 3-4 Cloves of Garlic, minced

  • 1/2 Cup Fresh Parsley, chopped

  • 1-2 Tsp. Pepper

  • 1-2 Tsp. Balsamic Vinegar

  • 1 Tsp. Salt

Pizza Topping Ingredients

  • 1 Cup Parmesan Cheese, shredded

  • 2-3 Tbsp. Olive Oil

  • 1-2 Tsp. Oregano

  • 1 Tsp. Pepper

Pizza Dough Directions

  • Add yeast to room temperature water and let bloom (may need to add 1 tsp of Sugar if you are unsure if the yeast is active).

  • Combine flour, salt and yeasty water together in stand mixer.

  • As soon as the dough is all incorporated, stop the stand mixer and let it rest for 30 minutes. Turn stand mixer back on for 7-10 minutes.

  • With no flour on the counter, form dough into a perfect ball ensuring the pinch at the bottom is rolled out. Put ball and cover in fridge for up to 3 days. When you are ready to use the dough portion out as desired and let the doughballs sit under damp towel at room temp for 30 minutes. Ratio to follow is 100% flour to 3% salt to 1% yeast. No sugar added unless you want quick/warm fermentation or you need to check if yeast is still good. You will need a little flour when you are ready to form the dough.

Pizza Topping Directions

  • You will want to combine all of the Bruschetta ingredients together, mix well and allow to rest in the fridge for at least 1 hour (so all the flavors can come together) before using.

  • Pre-heat oven to 400F degrees. Once the dough has sat on the counter top for 30 minutes under a damn towel, remove the towel and sprinkle a little flour on the dough to start shaping it. You do not need to roll it.

  • Using your hands, gently pull, press form until the desired shape is achieved. Lay it out on a lightly greased baking sheet.

  • Drizzle olive oil on to the dough then generously scoop bruschetta on top and spread out evenly.

  • Sprinkle with the parmesan cheese and additional salt/pepper if desired.

  • Brush the edges of the crust with extra oilve oil the sprinkle the crust with oregano for extra flavor.

  • Bake for 10 minutes then change to broil on LO for 10 more minutes. The pizza/flatbread should be perfect! Use fresh parsley throughout as well if desired.
