Beet Veggie Broth

Purchasing veggie broth from the store is cheaper and easier then making your own. Hands down. BUT if given the opportunity when you have an excessive amount of veggies in your house that are going to go bad, always ALWAYS make a veggie broth out of them because the flavors in that one are just so much better. This is our veggie broth based on the veggies we had in the house at the time but you can add in what you want. It is the physical process that you need to ensure you do.

Ingredients (portion sizes are not important here)

  • Beets

  • Celery

  • Red Onions

  • White Onions

  • Leeks

  • Garlic

  • Carrots

  • Peppers

  • Mushrooms

  • Dried Seaweed* Not too much

  • Tomato Paste* About 1 can depending on size

  • Whole Peppercorns

  • Olive Oil

  • 12 Cups of Water


  • Pre-heat oven to 350F. Chop all veggies and place in a large roasting pan. Add in the olive oil , tomato paste and peppercorns and mix around.

  • Roast for about 1 hour. Stir and put back in the oven for another hour.

  • Remove from the oven, ensuring the veggie mix is very fragrant and all are soft (if not overly happy with this yet, allow to roast longer). Add in the water and return to the oven.

  • Roast for another 1-2 hours until the water has absorbed the color and flavors from the veggies.

  • Strain the veggies out of the pot and pour the liquid only into large glass containers for use when needed/desired. Freeze if you won’t be using it right away.
