Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Pork Loin

Oh man does this recipe every get me excited!! IT WAS SO DAMN TASTY and filling and honestly … way easier then you would expect! Give this baby a whirl at your next family or small holiday dinner!


  • 1 Mid-sized Pork Loin

  • 1 Pack of Bacon

  • 2/3 Box of Boxed Stuffing

  • 3-4 Tsp. JamDinners Pork Seasoning

  • 1-2 Tsp. Olive Oil


  • Pre-heat oven to 375F degrees. While the oven is pre-heating, prep the boxed stuffing as per the directions.

  • Next, cut the pork loin length wise down the middle (but not all the way through) and folding it open. Spoon 2/3 of the box of stuff into the middle of the loin. Roll the loin back over tight and secure tightly closed with toothpicks. MAKE SURE YOU COUNT THE TOOTHPICKS lol …. That way you know how many to look for when you are done cooking it lol.

  • Next rub a little olive oil on the pork then season generously with our Pork seasoning. Now, wrap the loin with the slices of bacon, ensuring that the ends of the bacon slices are on the bottom of the loin so they stay securely tight to the pork. Once the pork is completely wrapped, wrap a baking sheet with tin foil and spray a rack insert with cooking spray then lay the loin on top with the bacon ends down.

  • Bake for 90 minutes or until the pork has reached 165F degrees. Move from the oven and slice. Serve with potatoes and gravy!

MAKE IT EASY - Season the pork with salt and pepper only.

MAKE IT EXTRA - Get a fancy bacon from the local butcher and make the stuffing from scratch using our recipe here!

MAKE IT VEGETARIAN - Sorry friends - that is just not an option here.