Reusable Straws

Re-usable straws are very common these days, and I love seeing everyone jump on this wagon. I use to be one of those people that bought bags and bags of colorful plastic straws for my house. It was a thing .. and to be honest I am pretty sure there is a small bag of plastic ones still in my pantry. I feel bad throwing them out … for multiple reasons so they will likely sit there until the end of time (much like they would sit in a landfill or in the ocean forever!). Anyways, I am very pro-reusable straw and I know that there are a ton of company’s out there and most offer the same or similar products, but my favorite LOCAL reusable straw company is Straw Hut Co. I am in no way sponsored by them , I am just a huge fan, and here’s why:

Variety - If you have every visited their social media or gone to their website you can instantly see the wide variety of re-usable straws that they offer. They have a style for anyone honestly including compact-able ones for anyone on the go and silicone tips for the stainless steel straws if you want. My personal favorites are the color silicone ones and the cosmic raw stainless steel straws - those are my jam!

Quality - Their straws are premium quality and not only are they eco-friendly (YAH!) they are ethically sourced! How wicked is that? If you haven’t read their story on where they source their Bamboo (yes you read that right … BAMBOO) straws from, I encourage you to go read it.

Community - Like I said, Straw Hut Co. is local to Calgary which obviously means my shipping time when I order from them is really quick so I LOVE that! Even though their business is growing and they are seeing successes (yah for Team Straw Hut!) you still see them embedded in local markets also! Every year when I go to my favorite Christmas Market … there is a Straw Hut Co booth and I love it!

Interactions/Customer Service - Last but not least is their social media interaction and customer service. I have luckily never had any issues with my services from Straw Hut Co. but if I did I would have no doubt they would go above and beyond to solve it. They already go out of their way to show appreciation for loyal users and build relationships. How can you go wrong? I could list more than 1 example of a time I felt like a valued customer of these guys .. but I won’t.

All I can leave you with is that I strongly encourage you to check out Straw Hut Co (you can find them on instagram @strawhutco) and give their products a try the next time you are looking to purchase a reusable straw and support local.


