Oreo Chunk Cookies

Who knew you could make oreo cookies better … well it turns out you can, by turning them into other cookies. Mind blown. Super easy, tasty and chewy. YUM. When I say easy I mean, 5 ingredient EASY. Plus the packs of oreos come with more than 12 so you can snack while you are making them. Duh.


  • 4 Oz. Cream Cheese, softened

  • 3/4 Cup Sugar

  • 1 Cup + 2 Tbsp. Flour

  • 8 Tbsp. Margarine, softened

  • 10-12 Oreo Cookies, broken into smaller chunks


  • In a large bowl, combine the cream cheese and margarine until light and fluffy. Add the sugar and beat well.

  • Next, add in the flour a little at a time and lastly add in the oreo pieces.

  • Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place in the fridge. Minimally 1 hour.

  • After proper refrigeration, pre-heat the oven to 350F degrees. Spray a large baking sheet with cooking spray. Turn the dough into 1-2 inch balls and lay out on the cookie sheet.

  • Bake 10-12 minutes or until golden brown on the bottom.

  • Remove from the oven and cool. Enjoy the crap out of them with a nice cold glass of MILK! The Mr. refuses to eat these, or any cookies for that matter, without milk.

Jessica DeRaaf