Lasagna Burger

Have you ever had or heard of a Lasagna burger … I BETCHA you haven’t! Well you can now add this to your burger list because this beauty was so.damn.good.

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 20-25 minutes

Serving Size: 4 Patties

Beef Patty Ingredients

  • 1 Lb. Ground Beef (not lean)

  • 1 Egg

  • 1/2 Cup White Onion, finely chopped

  • 1-2 Tsp. JamDinners Italian Seasoning

  • 1 Tsp. Salt

  • 1 Tsp. Garlic Powder

  • 1 Tsp. Pepper

Burger Ingredients

  • 4Pieces of Texas Toast

  • 2 Cups Mushrooms, chopped

  • 1/2 Cup White Onion, chopped

  • 1 Cup Cottage Cheese

  • 1 Cup Fresh Spinach

  • 4 White Onion Rings

  • 2 Slices of Mozza Cheese

  • 4-6 Tbsp. Pasta Sauce of choice

  • 1-2 Tsp. JamDinners Italian Seasoning

  • 2 Tsp. Olive Oil

  • 1-2 Tsp. Salt

  • 1-2 Tsp. Garlic Powder

  • 1-2 Tsp. Soy Sauce

  • 1-2 Tsp Worcestershire Sauce

  • 3-4 Garlic Cloves, minced

  • 2 Tbsp. Butter or Margarine


  • Mix all patty ingredients together but don’t mash up too much. Form into 4 even patties, flatten and return to the fridge on a tray.

  • Heat the oil in a medium pan over medium heat and add the mushrooms and onions. Season with a tsp. each of salt and pepper as well as the soy sauce and Worcestershire. Saute until moisture is almost fully gone from the pan.

  • Remove the mushrooms and onion from the heat and add to a large bowl with the spinach, cottage cheese, 1 tsp. each of salt, pepper, garlic powder and Italian seasoning. Mix well. Set aside.

  • Heat BBQ to appropriate temperature and cook the patties flipping 1/2 way through. Serve with a bun and your choice of side.