Homemade California Rolls

Okay, here we go! One of my FAVORITE RECIPES! This baby is not easy, it is very tedious and takes quite a bit of time but it is sooooo worth it in the end. The satisfaction you feel when you roll the bamboo mat and the California roll stays together and looks beautiful …. is indescribable. The Mr. could tell you a couple stories of my reactions when I roll the perfect California roll … its quite comical actually. You will notice a lot of the ingredients listed below are very specific and that’s for a reason. Unfortunately you have to be that specific with the rice and seawood or your California rolls will never turn out. The steps can’t be skipped either.

On top of the ingredients listed below, you also need a bamboo rolling mat wrapped in 1 layer of saran wrap. This helps roll the ingredients together and the seaweed/rice don’t stick to the plastic wrap. You could also use a proper wood rice spoon as this helps spread the rice evenly onto the seaweed.

Serving Size: 25 -40 Pieces


  • 2 Cups Calrose Sticky Rice, cooked

  • 5 Pieces Roasted Seaweed (Nori)

  • 2-3 Cups Imitation Crab Meat

  • 1 Cucumber, peeled and cut into 3/4 inch thick long chunks

  • 1 Avocado, thinly sliced

  • 1 Cup Water

  • 1/4 Cup Black and White Sesame Seeds

  • 3 Tbsp. Rice Vinegar

  • 1/2 Tsp. Sugar

  • 1/2 Tsp. Salt

  • Sriracha Mayo

Optional Ingredients

  • Wasabi

  • Ginger

  • Soy Sauce


  • Once the rice is cooked, set to the side in a large bowl to cool. Once the rice is almost cooled, add 1.5 tbsp of rice vinegar as well as the salt and sugar to the bowl of rice and mix well. Continue to allow it to cool.

  • With the imitation crab meat you have 2 different options: Shredded or Cut into long 1/2 inch thick chunks. If you opt to go with shredded, use 2 forks to shred the meat as thin as you like and mix in a bowl with approx. 1-2 tbsp. of sriracha mayo depending on desired spice.

  • In a medium bowl fill with 1 cup of water and remaining rice vinegar. This dish is for dipping your fingers occasionally throughout the process. This mixture allows your fingers not to stick to the rice mixture.

  • Lay out the bamboo rolling mat that is already covered in saran wrap and place 1 piece of seaweed on top. You will notice that 1 side of the sea weed is even and shinier and the other appears a little more rough. Place the shiny side up. Using your wood rice spoon scoop rice from the bowl and spread from edge to edge of the seaweed. Don’t allow the rice to be too thick or you will end up with massive California rolls.

  • Sprinkle some sesame seeds over top of the rice (as much or as little as you want).

  • Grabbing the top edges of the seaweed, lift the entire piece up and flip upside down so that the rice side of the seaweed is now facing down on the saran wrapped bamboo rolling mat.

  • Now is the time to put together your roll. Start by spreading a small layer of sriracha mayo from one end of the seaweed to the other (make sure to start laying the toppings about 1 inch from the left side of the seaweed. Next up is the crab meat, spread a layer or lay down enough pieces to cover the line of sriracha mayo. Add a thin layer of avocado next and then 1 long piece of cucumber.

  • Now this is the real tedious part, rolling it all together. Starting on the left side of the seaweed, grab the edges of the bamboo mat and using your fingers to hold the ingredients in place, start slowing roll the mat over towards the right. Make a full circle, roll back part of the bamboo mat and then continue to roll. Ensure you continue to roll back the bamboo mat before continuing with the roll so you don’t actually roll the mat into your California roll. (I will post a video of this in the future).

  • Once you’ve rolled the entire thing nice and tight, transfer to a cutting board. Dip your fingers into the water/rice vinegar mixture and using a sharp knife, cut the roll into even portions. You may need to cut the ends and dispose of or eat as a pre-dinner snack. Top them with any extra fillings to make them fancy or drizzle with sriracha mayo for added appeal. Serve with your favorite sushi toppings - Ginger, Wasabi, Soy Sauce or all of them!

Main DishesJessica DeRaaf