EASY Veggie Pizza

Everyone is jumping on board this ‘Meatless Monday’ or vegan train and I fully support that. I know I have a longggggg way to go but I do my best to be conscious of my meat decisions and I strive to make for vegan/vegetarian options when I can. One of the easiest ways to start with vegetarian is with homemade Pizzas. You can load so many veggies, cheese and spices onto it that you will hardly notice there is no meat! Give this baby a try and make it ingredient for ingredient or mix it up and put your own spin on it!

Serving Size: 1 Large Pizza

Dough Ingredients

  • 1 Pkts Fleischmann’s Pizza Yeast

  • 2 Cups All Purpose Flour

  • 3/4 Cup Warm Water (120F-130F)

  • 1 Tsp. Sugar

  • 1/2 Tsp. Salt

Pizza Topping Ingredients

  • 2-4 Cups Mozza Cheese

  • 3.4 Cup Pizza Sauce

  • 1/4 Red Onion, chopped

  • 8-10 Mushrooms, chopped

  • 1/4 Green Pepper, sliced

  • 1 Cup Spinach, chopped

  • 1 Cup Tomatoes, chopped

  • Jalapenos, Olives etc .. whatever veggie your little heart desires

  • Oregano to taste

  • Dried Parsley to taste

  • Salt, Pepper and Garlic Powder to taste



  • Preheat Oven to 400F degrees. Start with the Dough as it takes the longest. Mix the warm water and yeast together and set aside for 10 minutes. While that is waiting, mix the flour, salt and sugar together. After 10 minutes, add the yeast mixture to the flour mixture slowly. Mix well. Best results come if you mix with your hands and form into 1 large bowl. Leave in large bowl, cover with a dish towel and set aside for minimum 30 minutes.

  • Chop topping ingredients and sautee briefly in a medium frying pan for 5-10 minutes with garlic powder, olive oil, salt and pepper.

  • After the dough has doubled in size, roll out until desired thickness. Be sure to sprinkle flour onto the counter top to allow for easy rolling and no sticking. Fold up ends of the dough for a thicker crust if you want also. Transfer rolled out dough to baking sheets.

  • Place pizza dough in the oven and cook for approx. 10 minutes.

  • Remove from the oven then line with pizza sauce and top with all veggies and cheese. Place back in the oven and cook until crust is golden brown and cheese is melting. Broil for 3 minutes then remove, cut and serve!