EASY Coleslaw

Anybody else grow up HATING coleslaw and then all of a sudden adulthood hits and you are like OMG I LOVE COLESLAW! Okay good, I am glad I am not alone. I could just sit around and crush coleslaw as a meal sometimes. I draw the line at KFC coleslaw though … that one is good but I can’t crush that one as a meal. Well if you didn’t already know, making coleslaw is incredibly easy and just tastes so much better fresh!

Coleslaw Dressing Ingredients

  • 1/2 Cup Mayo

  • 2 Tbsp. White Sugar

  • 1-2 Tbsp. Lemon Juice

  • 1 Tbsp. Vinegar

  • 1/2 Tsp each Salt & Pepper

Coleslaw Ingredients

  • 1/2-1 Cup Coleslaw Dressing

  • 1 Head Green Cabbage, thinly chopped

  • 1/2 Head Red Cabbage, thinly chopped

  • 3/4 Cup Shredded Carrots

  • 1/4 Red Onion, chopped and pickled

  • Salt & Pepper to taste


  • Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, mix together, taste test for proper seasoning and serve! Best served with Peri Peri Chicken or a classic burger!

  • Honestly if you want to save time and energy and money too, just buy bagged coleslaw, spruce it up with pickled onion and extra shredded carrots then just make the dressing. To.Die.For.
