Crispy Battered Brussel Sprouts

We had extra brussels leftover from the holidays so I figured why not do something fun with them! So here you go …..

Battered Brussel Sprouts. So easy and just the extra flavor and texture you were looking for with your vegetarian snack or appie!

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20-25 minutes

Serving Size: 2


  • 8-10 Brussel Sprouts, washed and halved

  • 3/4 Cup Flour

  • 1/2 Cup Bread Crumbs

  • 1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil

  • 1 Egg, lightly whisked

  • 1 Tsp. JamDinners Signature Blend


  • Heat the vegetable oil in a medium pan over medium heat.

  • Combine the flour, bread crumbs and signature blend in 1 container and mix well. Dip the halved brussel sprouts into the egg mixture, ensure they are fully coated then roll in the flour mixture, again ensuring they are fully coated then set aside. Complete for all brussel sprouts.

  • Once the oil is hot enough in the pan, add in the brussels and cook about 3-4 minutes per side or until golden brown ensuring even rotations and coloring. Serve with our Jalapeno Crema or Dijon Mustard Aioli.