Caesar Vinaigrette

As you may know, we love a good caesar salad in this house. We make big ones and just load whichever protein on top of it that we feel like having that particular evening! And yes we know that caesar salads are not good for you … we aren’t eating them for health lol .. we eat them for flavor. Store bought salad dressings are fine and we found that the most flavorful one we enjoyed was ‘The Keg’ Ceasar dressing but we’ve reached a point in our kitchen times that we wanted to make our own and we are finally happy enough with our recipe to share.<—— that was the description for our classic dressing and to be honest the ingredients are basically the same with the addition of 2 for our vinaigrette! Check it out below!


  • 175ml Vegetable Oil

  • 88ml White Vinegar

  • 30ml Evoolution 18-Year Traditional Balsamic Vinegar

  • 1 Large Egg Yolks

  • 1/2 Tbsp. Dijon Mustard

  • 1 Tsp. Anchovy Paste

  • 1 Tsp. Kosher Salt

  • 3-4 Cloves of Garlic, finely minced


  • Start with the finely minced garlic and add the anchovy paste to it. Mix well in a medium bowl. Add a sprinkle of salt.

  • Whisk in the egg yolks then the lemon juice. Next whisk in the dijon mustard and a little more salt.

  • While whisking, you want to slowly add in the vegetable oil so that it starts to sort of solidify the mixture and help make it creamy. Once desired consistency is achieved, add in the 2 vinegars and mix well.

  • Test the flavors and fine tune with additional salt as needed.

  • Drizzle over crisp romaine lettuce, homemade croutons and freshly grated parmesan cheese for the best experience. Season lightly with fresh ground pepper and you are good to roll.