Buffalo Chick Pea Quesadillas

Meatless Monday’s are becoming a hit in our house! It is taking some time to get the Mr fully on board but he has come a long way! This buffalo chick pea quesadilla was actually easy for him to enjoy! He loved it. It is fairly easy to make also. We bought bulk dry chick peas and hydrated ourselves but let’s be honest, grabbing a can of chick peas at the grocery store is FAR easier and we are not judging you.


  • 1 Cup Chick Peas, drained and mashed

  • 1-2 Cups Cheddar Cheese

  • 1 Cup Mixed Veggies (Peppers and Red Onion), sliced

  • 2 Small Tortillas

  • 1/2 Cup Ranch

  • 1/4 - 1/2 Cup Franks Hot Sauce

  • 1 Tbsp. Margarine

  • 1 Tsp. Salt

  • 1 Tsp. Pepper

  • 1 Tsp. Garlic Powder


  • Melt the margarine in a small pan over medium heat then saute the vegetables. Season with salt, pepper & garlic powder. Set pan and vegetables aside to reuse later.

  • In a small bowl combine the mashed chick peas, ranch and franks. Mix well.

  • Lay out 2 tortillas, cover 1/2 of each tortilla with 1/4 of the cheddar cheese then evenly spread the chick pea mixture on top.

  • Spread the onion/pepper mixture evenly on top of the chick peas then top each with the remaining cheese.

  • Fold the other 1/2 of each tortilla over, creating a 1/2 circle and gentle press down. Spray the top lightly with cooking spray.

  • Re-heat the pan over medium heat then add the tortilla, spray side down. Allow to brown slightly then flip very carefully until the other side is gold brown also. Cut in half and serve.
