Breakfast Pizza

Holy EFF. Who would have thought that putting all your favorite Eggs Benny or breakfast foods on a pizza would turn out this damn good. You may begin to see more and more pizza recipes on the blog as we continue to fine tune our dough skills. We have really been spending time honing in on a perfect dough. The dough we currently make is very standard - it gets the job done and taste is good … BUT we want PERFECT.

Dough Ingredients

  • 2 Tsp. Yeast

  • 2 Cups All Purpose Flour

  • 1 Cup Warm Water (120F-130F)

  • 1/4 Cup Oil

  • 2 Tsp. Sugar

  • 1 & 1/3 Tsp. Salt

Pizza Topping Ingredients

  • 2 Cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese

  • 1 Pkt of Hollandaise Sauce, prepped as per packaging but you won’t need the whole thing. You’ll only need about half

  • 1-2 Cups Cooked Bacon

  • 1-2 Cups Cooked Ground Pork

  • 1-2 Cup Mushrooms, sliced

  • 3/4 Cup Red Onion, sliced

  • 3/4 Cup Green Pepper, sliced

  • 2 Roma Tomatoes, chopped

  • 4 Eggs

  • 1-2 Cup Milk

  • 2 Tsp. Sage

  • 2 Tsp. Garlic Powder

  • 2 Tsp. Olive Oil

  • 1-2 Tsp. Pepper

  • Cooking Spray


  • Start with the dough as it takes the longest. Mix the warm water and yeast together and set aside for 10 minutes. While that is waiting, mix the flour, salt and sugar together in the stand mixer with the dough hook. After 10 minutes, add the yeast mixture to the flour mixture slowly and the oil. Mix well.

  • Once the dough is fully kneaded, remove from the mixing bowl. Spray the mixing bowl with oil, form the dough into a large bowl and return to the bowl. Cover with a towel and allow to sit on the counter for 1-2 hours. 1/2 way through, punch the dough down and form into a ball again then reset.

  • Once the dough has fully formed, pre-heat the oven to 400F degrees.

  • While the oven is pre-heating. Cook the bacon as per packaging. Remove from pan, dry extra grease and add the ground pork to the bacon pan. Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder and sage. Cook until the pork is fully cooked through. Remove from the pan and set aside with the bacon.

  • Using the same pan again, now is the time to cook the eggs. First in a bowl, combine the eggs and milk and whisk. Add to the hot pan and season with salt and pepper. Scramble fully and remove from heat.

  • Sprinkle flour on the counter and roll out the dough into desired shape and thickness.

  • Once you have achieved your desired dough thickness - place in the oven and back for 5 minutes with no toppings. Remove from oven then begin dressing.

  • Start with the hollandaise sauce, then the meat and eggs. Next add the vegetables and cheese.

  • Next, lightly brush the edges of the crust with olive oil.

  • Bake for 12-15 minutes or until crust becomes golden brown and cheese is all melted. Remove from oven and drizzle with salsa and/or hot sauce!

BreakfastJessica DeRaaf