Big Mac Sloppy Joes

If you haven’t figured it out by now … I have a serious love for BIG MACS! These sloppy joes take the best from the big mac and we combined it with our patty melt cooking process. This recipe is seriously so. damn. good. Easy for cooking inside in the colder months also.


  • 2 Sesame Seed Buns

  • 1 Lb. Lean Ground Beef

  • 1 Cup Shredded Iceberg Lettuce

  • 3/4 Cup Big Mac Sauce

  • 5-6 Cheese Slices

  • 1/2 White Onion, chopped

  • 3-4 Pickles, 1-2 sliced and 1-2 finely chopped

  • 1 Tsp. Salt

  • 1 Tsp. Pepper

  • 1 Tsp. Garlic Powder


  • Combine the ground beef, salt, pepper and garlic powder in a pan and cook over medium heat until beef is fully cooked. Add in the chopped pickles and most of the chopped onions. Mix well.

  • Add in 1/4 Cup of the Mac Sauce & lay 3 slices of cheese on top in the pan. Once the cheese starts to melt, mix well. Reduce heat to low.

  • Toast buns if desired but it is not necessary. Once buns are toasted, dress the buns. I lay another slice of cheese on the bottom bun then i dress the top of the bun with a nice layer of sauce, then lettuce and some additional onion/pickle slices. Scoop a generous heaping of meat onto the bottom bun, add the top bun, squeeze and enjoy!

Jessica DeRaaf