Bacon Wrapped Brussel Sprouts

The title says it all … it is really that simple. Bacon wrapped brussel sprouts. An easy side dish for summer or winter. We of course cooked them on the BBQ because it has been a million degrees but they can be cooked in the oven if it works better. You do you.


  • 10-15 Brussel Sprouts

  • 10-15 Half Slices of Bacon

  • Pepper to taste


  • Rinse each brussel sprout and steam for 5-10 minutes to help soften and cook.

  • Allow excess water to drip and the brussel sprouts to cool enough to handle then wrap each brussel sprout in a half piece of bacon and use a toothpick to secure if needed.

  • Lay on a tinfoil lined baking sheet, season with desired amount of pepper then place on a pre-heated BBQ rack.

  • Cook for about 45 minutes, rotating often or until the bacon is fully cooked. Serve with desired dip - we used our Dijon Aioli that we have paired with brussel sprouts in the past!
