'Bacon-ator' Remake

Ooooooo baby! Who else enjoys a baconator from Wendys? To be honest though I haven’t had one in years and I was really feeling one as we were preparing for Burger week so why not remake it using our own ingredients? Well we did just that … and we NAILED IT! I don’t know that I will ever need one from Wendy’s again.


  • 1/2 Kg. Ground Beef

  • 2 Brioche Buns

  • 4-6 Slices of Bacon, cooked and halved

  • 4 Slices of Cheddar Cheese

  • 4 Tbsp. Mayonaise

  • 1-2 Tsp. Salt

  • 1-2 Tsp. Pepper

  • 1-2 Tsp. Garlic Powder


  • Form the ground beef into 4 equal parts, and form into square shaped patties. Season the tops and bottoms with salt, pepper and garlic powder.

  • Lightly toast the buns then set aside. Spread mayo on both insides of the buns.

  • Cook the patties on the BBQ at 450F degrees, flipping 1/2 way through to ensure fully cooked. Once the patties are almost fully cooked, top each patty with a slice of cheese, allow to melt slightly then top each patty with 2-3 halves of bacon.

  • Lay 2 beef patties on to the bottom part of the bun then add the top bun. Serve with Fries!

    How’d we do Wendys??
