Who Runs The World .. Moms!

That’s right .. mom’s run the world. Where would we be without our mom’s? I can only speak from personal experience … mom’s are saints! My mom and didn’t always get along or see eye to eye (as I am sure the case is with most of you) BUT as I get older I appreciate my own mom more and more. There are so many mom’s to celebrate … mom’s, grandmom’s, step mom’s, dog mom’s to name a few! We love them all. I may only be a dog mom right now but damn, even that is hard work some days.

I don’t think we could every truly show our full appreciation for our mothers and all that they have done for us but I sure am going to try. I have rounded up our top 4 Mother’s Day recipes for you to whip together for your mom’s this weekend! Show that woman you love the crap outta her for putting up with all of your shit!

  1. Oatmeal Yogurt Cups - Such an easy breakfast or sweet brunch treat to celebrate with your mom. Using a strawberry yogurt is such a nice option, it really brings the whole dish together.

  2. Peri Peri Chicken - Mother’s day arrives around the same time the nicer weather arrives and BBQ’ing is the perfect way to celebrate with your mom. The peri-peri sauce we use is so easy to make and pairs perfectly with the rice/corn mixture.

  3. Classic Eggs Benny - I don’t know about your moms but my mom (and my dad for that matter) loves Eggs Benny, especially a classic Eggs Benny. The apple must not fall very far from the tree because I also love a good Eggs Benny. Not only did we share a classic Eggs Benny for Mother’s Day but we shared 4 other amazing Eggs Benny recipes too for you to check out! We did have to put our own little spin on the eggs benny, by using waflles instead of english muffins!

  4. Mango Slushies - We all know our mom’s deserve a drink .. or two at the end of the day and this Mango Slushie is the perfect mom beverage! Mango White Claw, White Wine & Mango water enhancer … is that not a great mom drink??
