Parmesan Rinds

Show of hands who heard of Parmesan Rinds prior to coming across this post? …. Yeah me either. Okay that is a lie, I heard about them, I knew what they were (obviously, its the rind from a Parmesan cheese block) but I never truly knew what they were used for and how they could so perfectly compliment any meal they are put into.

First off, Parmesan rinds can be found in the deli at your grocery store by all the fancy cheeses. Yes that is right they are obviously kept where all the fancy EXPENSIVE cheeses are kept at the grocery store but the amazing thing about parmesan rinds is how INEXPENSIVE they are. Due to the fact that they are just the rinds, you can typically get a pack of 4-6 for under $3. A steal of a deal when looking in that section.

Now that I have caught your attention with the price and value of these let me go into why you need to consider these a ‘must have’ in your kitchen (especially in the winter). They are the perfect addition to any pasta sauce dish or creamy risotto. You simply add this beauty during the cooking process and allow it to melt down. While it melts down it is releasing all the flavor goodness into the dish. At the end there is still a small cube of the rind left which you just remove from the dish before serving and voila! It is a game changer. It is such a full bodied aroma it adds to the dish also. Adds way more value then simply just adding shredded parmesan cheese … because believe me, we do that too.
