If at first you don't succeed, call Dad!


That is a motto I have lived by for a long time to tell ya the truth. My dad is my savior … whether it comes to work, school, teenage fights with my mom, car stuff, house stuff .. do I really need to continue? Dad’s are rockstars and the least we can do is show our appreciation for them with recipes. We create a number of recipes for dad’s day each year (which mostly include meats lol) and we decided to round up a couple of our ultimate favorites for you, including some we pulled together this year!

  1. Seafood Eggs Benny - I don’t know about you but my dad loves seafood! He grew up on the east coast and enjoyed fresh seafood regularly. Unfortunately, living in Alberta you don’t quite get the same quality and freshness of seafood LOL. So any chance I get to give dad a delicious seafood spread … I do! And this recipe captures his love of seafood and his love of eggs benny so it’s a double whammy!

  2. Chicken Wings - Growing up, dad was the king of chicken wings! They were always such a treat and we would just crush tons of them! We would stick to what we call the classics “hot” and “salt & pepper” As we’ve grown and our palettes have grown, we still crush wings, as a family and we even still stick to the same flavors usually … only now we smoke them babies and DAMNNNN!

  3. Egg Salad or Ham & Swiss Sammies - These recipe may not be everyones cup of tea but there is nothing quite like a delicious and fresh egg salad sandwich or slightly melted ham and swiss sandwich for lunch. And the way we see it, not all dads are down with BBQ'ed and smoked meats so an egg salad sammie might just be the easy meal your dad is looking for. My dad …. can get down with either! Such a simple recipe to pull together either of these options on a fresh croissant or do what we did and do both …. here you go dad!

  4. Dr. Pepper Ribs - We shared this recipe in April ahead of my dad’s birthday and it was a HIT! We paired this ribs with garlic smashed potatoes and jalapeno corn bread … you might as well close your eyes and imagine being in Texas or Tennessee because thats exactly what this meal feels like when you pull it all together. The ribs are way more easier then you would think and the way the flavors come together is truly drool-worthy! Your dad and your taste buds will thank you!

  5. Chicken & Waffles Eggs Benny - We had to throw in another Eggs Benny recipe! Again, they are my dad’s favorite breakfast AND can you really go wrong with putting chicken and waffles together? Oh man we were so happy with how this delicious recipe turned out … and if you make it for your dad, he will be happy with how it turns out too! Trust us!